
Showing posts from October, 2020

October 2020: Tap the Spirit of Renewal

  The COVID Crazies are raising their voices within: --Half a year in quarantine! --Small pleasures we once took for granted are gone: gym workouts, movies, haircuts. --We're sick of wearing masks--and mad as hell at those who don't. --We're tired of being terrified of everything we touch. --Everywhere we look we see more businesses gone under. --Our passports are totally useless and we wouldn't' dare fly anyway. --We can't see our doctors in person--telehealth calls only unless we're at death's door. The list goes on and on and on with no end in sight. Will the madness end in 2021, go on till 2022--or, God forbid, go on forever in one form or another? Will living hell be the new Normal? Scary questions. But one thing's scarier still: the thought of putting life on hold till we're able to take off our masks and breathe freely as we did before. Who can afford to take a year or two or three or more to live as richly as they're able? That can be