How to Stop Saying the Hardest Goodbyes
2020 made us all far better at saying Goodbye than Hello. We're wary of strangers, scared of crowds, and terrified of surfaces that may lay us low with a touch. Any list of our farewells would break our hearts to read. These goodbyes began as fare-thee-wells intended for three or four months...then for six...and then a year. But now, in Year Two of Covid's rule, we've begun to accept another year or two of servitude. And, though we don't like to admit it, some of our goodbyes are starting to look like forever while the chance of any hale Hello seems less likely by the day. Four of my maybe Forever farewells: 1) If I never fly again, that will be fine with me. Years ago, I swore off planes as completely as I could. Now the thought of being crammed in a flying metal tube with attendants who wear diapers turns my st...